Who is Nando Journeyman?

Hi, I’m Nando Cabán-Méndez, a.k.a. Nando Journeyman, creative left-brainer, pragmatic right-brainer, sometimes entrepreneur, perennial student, opinionated aspiring writer, curator, artist, cyclist, life hacker, dreamer, starter, doer. Puerto Rican by birth, based in Austin, Texas, currently making a living in the Product Data Management space.

In what seems like a previous life, I was a multi-disciplinary designer for over two decades, I designed for print, web, industrial, environmental graphics, sportswear product design, online user experience, and interfaces.

My entrepreneurship experience included a sign company, a digital marketing agency, and startups in manufacturing, eCommerce, and B2B consulting services.

In my spare time, you can typically find me riding a bicycle, preferably in one of Austin’s many mountain biking trails, but also to the occasional Sunday brunch.

Why should you care?

I learned a lot in my designer years, entrepreneur adventures, and as a professional in the digital space. I’ve created the business models and the systems behind the work. I’ve solved very complex workflows, problems, and data sets. I’ve produced online marketing strategies for many businesses. And, boy, oh, boy, did I make mistakes.

It occurs to me I can help others shorten their growth curve by sharing my experiences. I’ve made the mistakes, the research, the fixes, and now find myself in a place where I can share the lessons learned. I empathize with you because I’m one of you. I don’t work, write, or talk from an ivory tower. I also have opinions –quite a few, actually– and I’m not afraid to use them.

What’s with the nickname?

In the tradition of crafts and trades, there typically is a Master at any given craft in any given community. A Master will typically have Apprentices. Somewhere in the middle is the Journeyman.

The Journeyman is both a traveling expert and student, contributes as needed, and continuously both learns and shares the knowledge picked-up elsewhere. My style is that of the journeyman. Hence NandoJourneyman.

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Let’s share the journey. I’m looking forward to it,

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I have opinions and I’m not afraid to use them


Creative left-brainer, pragmatic right-brainer, opinionated commentator, curator, artist, cyclist, life hacker, aspiring philosopher. 🇵🇷 (All views are my own) (unless it's a quote, of course 😉 )